I really need to understand what this says:
Joyellb23, Joyellb13 do not work.
so can anybody see what I am missing, or that beautiful girl I met oh Friday to bo considered a lying peice of shit?
She was French and perhaps they write things differently to us.

ps. any no, I didn;t give her my contact details, now I see that perhaps I should have done.
Try 43.
NOPE> it's only either a 1 or 2.
is the J a T?
have you tried a search on the domain site for her id?
i think I've cracked the problem.... IF I'm right, I'll find out in a couple of days.
how are you anyway, ms. Odd?
well, i am wandering around the Bahamas working with walking pneumonia, but what better place to be sick really? Look forward to my spring return to Brighton, though, that's for sure. Hopefully you will be down there at some point to teach me that curry recipe.
I'm guessing 43, and that she was lying.
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