Thursday, January 13, 2005

They are E-V-E-R-Y-W-H-E-R-E!

The UK exists somewhere between the East and the West - we were in the middle of the cold war... but now the Cold War has been won...

But it was won by the Russians.

For they are quietly invading this country that I call home. Not that I complain, I see the entire world as one country with only once race. Migration is inevitable - and commendable- It keeps the scenery moving and the gene pool interesting.

I can only see it has a good thing. Because I am learning to speak Russian - and there are a whole heap of girls that I get to speak to because of this.

It actually makes me laugh because it is so unbelievably absurd. Every fucking place I go to I will get the chance to speak a little Russian with somebody.... or if I do not feel it is appropriate to reveal my developing skills I simply listen. (After all, just because somebody speaks English, it does not mean I have to waste the air in my lungs with them)

All in all, out of 5 regular places that I waste my time in, 4 of them now have somebody or another that I can converse with in limited Russian. Four months ago this would have been the most absurd notion - That I would be be speaking Russian with people ALL over the place that I went. Which is why it is so ridiculous. It is like a joke in fact.

Most notable of the many I have encountered is a really nice girl from Latvia, who I think I shall be "tryin it on with" very soon. Watch this space for developments. She is learning English; I am learning Russian - together we might learn a great deal.


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